

MeldaProduction『MBassador』Bass Enhancer and Sub Bass Generator Plugin for producing powerful low frequencies.

Here is the translated source text:MBassador is a powerful bass enhancer and subharmonic generator.It has a bass enhance...

MeldaProduction『MBassador』強力な低音を生み出す ベースエンハンサー および サブベースジェネレーター プラグイン


Reveal Sound『Spire』The operation is a bit manual, but it’s a synth that produces thick and resonant sounds.

When searching for synths in the EDM genre, you'll come across the synthesizer "Spire".Today, I'd like to review this sy...

Plugin Boutique『Scaler 2』Can it help me with creating chord progressions?

Thank you for visiting.If you're reading this article, I imagine you're like me and have the same concern that "you're n...

Wavesfactory『TrackSpacer』Multi-band compression that automatically organizes clashes of sound

There is no harm in trying it out. Click here to jump in!!It will make it sound clean like magicI really want you to try...

Tone Empire『TF-72a』Using Neural Network technology to digitally recreate the iconic analog sound.

This is a clone of the Telefunken V72 Mic Pre, right?If you want to know more details about the actual device, please do...

Tone Empire『TF-72a』Neuralネットワーク技術を利用し 歴史的なアナログサウンドをデジタルで再現

購入はこちら■ごきげんポイント上品な歪み■いまいちポイント負荷が高すぎる負荷が高いです。Ozoneの 700% 、NEOLD V76U73 の125% くらい重いです。私にとって、プリで使うプラグインとしては重すぎる…唯一無二の何かがないと...